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54 Maude Road, #03-02, Townshend Building, Singapore - 208346

Landscape Design

Singapore Landscaping

Landscape design is the art of arranging or modifying the features of a yard,an urban area,etc.., for aesthetic or practical reasons.Foir organizational purposes,it is often divided into two major parts:hardscape and softscape.Students of the field become acquainted with a number of concepts that deal with how the viewer perceives the layout of a landscape and how the designer can change that perception sch as Unity(harmony),Balance,Proportion,Transition.Since plants are at the heart of landscape design,knowledge of the science of horticulture is one of its critical components.The fieldis,however,more of an art than a science.Some decisions will be based not on hard fact,but on personal tastes,intuition or current consensus.

The basic elements of landscape design are Color as defined by color theory,Form,Line,Scale,Texture. These five elements must be considered in designing both the hardscape and softscape of your property,the latter consisting mainly of gardens,lawns,shrubs and trees.

Landscape design typically involves artistic composition and artisanship,horticultural finesse and expertise and emphasis on detailed site involvement from conceptual stages through to final construction.

Landscape design

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